Dysmenorrhea is lower abdominal pain that sometimes the pain extends to the waist, lower back and thighs. Approximately 15% of teenage girls reported experiencing severe dysmenorrhea and is the highest cause of teenage girls do not attend the school. Based on a preliminary study of 10 teens in mid-March 2011 in junior XX, it is known that nine teenagers are menstruating, and 7 of them experienced pain during mesntruasi. All teenagers do not want to disclose her menstrual pain of embarrassment, not knowing whether the pain is normal, and what they should do. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge about dysmenorrhea young women with the motivation to check into student health services at the junior XX.
This study uses survey research design croos-sectional analytic type. Interviews conducted in 85 junior high students. Subjects drawn from the population by the total sampling. The variables in this study is the independent variable (independent variable), namely knowledge about dysmenorrhea girls and the dependent variable (dependent variable) is the motivation to check into the health service. Measuring instrument used was a questionnaire.
The results showed that most students have enough knowledge (61.2%) of dysmenorrhea. Junior high school student XX majority (55.3%) had a high motivation to check with your health care by using the obtained value of chi square test of significance (p) 0.000 <α 0.05. Conclusions can be drawn is that there is a relationship between knowledge about dysmenorrhea young women with the motivation to check into student health services at the junior XX. Researchers suggested that further enhance student knowledge about dismenorhea by reading books, magazines, open Internet and checked by a health care if you have a difficult dismenorhea handled himself.
File Code: K335
This thesis include:
- The front (Abstract, Table of contents etc.)
- Chapter 1-5 complete
- List of libraries
- Questionnaire
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